Tasmanian TV Services Upgrades

5th September 2023

Over the last Free TV has been upgrading your free to air TV services in Tasmania to improve picture quality and deliver more High-Definition channels.

From 5 October 2023, the channel numbers of some of your favourite TV services are changing.
The change affects all five primary TV channels in Tasmania.

Free TV - Tasmania TV channel Upgrades 2023

Most people won’t even notice the difference, although their picture might suddenly look better. But a minority of viewers, with very old TV sets (All TVs sold since 2012, and many sold since 2008, should be MPEG-4 compatible), will find the channels no longer display.

If this affects you, you will need to use your TV remote either to enter a new, two-digit channel number to view the channels in future, or scroll up and down till you find the channels again.

If you experience difficulties finding your favourite TV services after 5 October, or just want to check whether the change will affect you, this short video below should help.

You can also call the free hotline on 1800 489 755 during weekday business hours from Tuesday, 5 September 2023 until the end of October.

To learn more about the upgrade visit the Free TV website:
